Based on feedback from leading intranets, the following is a list of tasks that can improve your intranet. They are grouped into the following topics.
- Finding information
- Completing work tasks
- Interactivity (staff contributions)
- Performance
- Look and feel
- Content
- Maintenance (governance)
- Other
Finding Information
Task |
Description/Benefit |
1. Remove redundant content |
Improve the chances of finding information by removing all unnecessary content. This may involve conducting a content audit and examining user statistics to identify content that is no longer relevant. |
2. Implement a contextual view of information |
Provide multiple access paths to information making it easier for people to find information. This can include viewing content by task, category or type. |
3. Identify key tasks and content |
Identify information that is most important to staff and make sure this is easily accessible (preferably from the home page). |
4. Implement meta data |
Ensure content is “tagged” with descriptive information. This enables different “views” to be automatically created and improves search tool results. |
5. Implement a new information architecture |
A new user-driven taxonomy may improve the way staff navigate to information: |
6. Identify popular search terms |
Identify popular search terms and ensure that the most frequently searched information is easily accessible — either from the home page or from a logical menu structure. |
7. Implement “best bets” |
Identify commonly searched terms and manually create synonyms to ensure that the best matches appear at the top of the search match list. |
Completing Work Tasks
The following table lists tasks that will improve how the intranet supports day-to-day tasks performed within an organization.
Task |
Description/Benefit |
8. Identify tasks and roles |
Identify key tasks that are performed by role within an organization. Ensure the information component of these tasks is properly supported by the intranet. |
9. Provide instructions for completing work tasks |
Create web pages that provide short cuts to all the information, forms and applications staff need to complete work tasks. This could include access to policies, procedures, web apps and forms. See: |
10. Automate processes/ online forms |
Provide online forms and workflows to allow processes to be completed from start to finish. Begin with the most important processes first. |
The following table lists tasks ways to get staff more involved with the intranet, including publishing content, online discussions, collaboration spaces and providing feedback about intranet content.
Task |
Description/Benefit |
11. Enable all staff to publish content |
Make it easier for staff to publish content. Consider what quality controls you will implement to ensure the quality of content is maintained. |
12. Enable online collaboration spaces |
Facilitate collaboration spaces that allow staff to save and access documents and share information with other group members. |
13. Enable discussion forums |
Create online discussion spaces that allow staff to post questions and receive responses to the questions. |
14. Allow staff to comment on content |
Allow comments to be added to news stories, ratings of content items, and a continuous improvement process that allows intranet improvement suggestions to be submitted. |
15. Provide real time status updates |
Allow staff to post Twitter like status updates and questions.Yammer is a free tool that can facilitate this. |
16. Provide the ability for staff to write blogs |
Allow staff to write blogs internally. Provide ways to recognize popular employee contributions. |
The following table lists tasks that will improve intranet performance.
Task |
Description/Benefit |
17. Increase the speed of the intranet |
Work with the IT infrastructure support team to improve the speed of the intranet. This could include upgrading the hardware, ensuring the servers are physically located closer to the intranet end users, reducing the amount of processing required by the intranet (e.g., limit customizations), ensuring intranet page sizes are not too large and virus checking software doesn’t affect response time too significantly. |
18. Make the intranet more reliable |
Work with the IT infrastructure team to make the intranet platform more reliable by upgrading the hardware, implementing a redundant back-up system that automatically switches on in the event of a failure, and upgrading the service level agreements (SLAs) status to “critical.” |
19. Provide off-site access |
Organize VPN or internet access to your intranet. This will allow staff to access the intranet using their home computer or the internet. |
20. Provide mobile access |
Organize access to the intranet via a mobile device such as an iPhone or Blackberry. |
The following table lists tasks that can improve the way your intranet delivers content.
Task |
Description/Benefit |
21. Update staff details |
Run a campaign to get staff to update their own details (if your intranet allows this). Otherwise update as many details as possible from your enterprise resource management system. |
22. Develop a process for publishing news |
Develop a process for ensuring news items are published regularly and contain quality content that is interesting to most staff. |
23. Analyze news effectiveness |
Analyze the effectiveness of your current new publishing process. Which articles are popular? What headlines get the best response? Which authors are most popular? Modify your publishing process based on this feedback. |
24. Provide external news feeds |
Consider providing external news feeds to news items relevant to the organization. This could include a Twitter feed, news about your company name, key customers or industry. |
25. Provide online forms |
Identify key tasks (based on discussions with end-users) and convert them into online forms complete with workflow. |
26. Provide templates |
Identify templates required by the organization and ensure these are all located in one place. Use meta tagging and a contextual integration approach to enable templates to be accessed from more than one location. This could include common email templates or letters. |
27. Create a repository of re-usable documents |
A repository of reusable documents could include things like business cases, proposals, project plans and presentations. This will help staff avoid reinventing the wheel when they need to create a similar document. |
28. Create a library of policies and procedures |
Create a single location for all organizational policies and procedures. |
29. Provide information about your products/ services |
Create a list or database containing information about your organization’s products/services. This could include information about who to contact for more information. |
30. Provide information about your customers |
Create a list containing information about your organization’s customers. This could include information such as the history of the customer, latest news, key customer contacts and who to contact for more information. |
31. Provide reports/ dashboard information |
Identify key performance information and determine the most effective way to provide this information. It may be possible to provide real-time online performance data via a dashboard. |
32. Provide online training |
Identify key training subjects and provide online subject matter. Consider using videos and other inexpensive multimedia types. |
33. Provide access to business applications |
Provide a list of links to key applications used within the organization. Identify who the relevant audience is for each application. Also consider integrating applications into the intranet so that data can either be viewed or updated using an intranet interface. |
34. Provide access to websites |
Provide a list of relevant external websites. |
35. Provide a calendar |
Provide a calendar of enterprise-wide events or a team calendar. Ensure there is a process for keeping events up-to-date. |
36. Information for new starters |
Create a section that provides all the information needed for a new starter, including forms, tasks and key contacts. |
Maintenance (Governance)
The following table lists tasks that will improve intranet maintenance.
Task |
Description/Benefit |
37. Create an intranet governance committee |
Create a committee consisting of representatives of the business that meet on a regular basis to decide and develop intranet strategy. |
38. Establish regular communication with the business |
Organize regular meetings with key business leaders to understand their intranet requirements. Ensure you have identified an executive who has a sufficient budget to enable your intranet to fulfill its potential. Educate this sponsor about the benefits of having an effective intranet. |
39. Set up a content review process |
Create a process for ensuring all intranet content is reviewed regularly and in a timely manner. This will help ensure content is kept up-to-date. |
40. Set up an intranet continuous improvement process |
Create a process that allows all staff to suggest changes and improvements to the intranet. This process could be implemented using the intranet itself. |
41. Set up a change notification process |
Create a process that enables relevant staff to be notified of any changes to the intranet. The process may involve the use of alerts, emails or RSS feeds. |
42. Develop and provide training on how to use the intranet |
Create a training course for how to make the most of your intranet. This could include online or instructor led training. |
43. Create a community for intranet authors |
Develop an online community on the intranet to allow intranet authors to collaborate, and share tips and tricks. Facilitate regular meetings between authors. |
44. Develop an intranet action plan |
Develop a plan for implementing one or more of the items in this list over the coming 6 to 24 months. |
Look & Feel
The following table lists tasks that can improve the look and feel of your intranet.
Task |
Description/Benefit |
45. Redesign the home page |
Redesign the home page so that it provides targeted, relevant information — less news and more task-based content (e.g., access to forms and applications, popular documents, discussion updates). |
46. Redesign the entire intranet |
Apply usability principles to give the intranet a new look. |
47. Re-write key content |
Rewrite important content so that it uses plain English and is written for the web — not just a Word document converted to HTML. |
48. Develop templates for content types |
Identify the types of content that comprise your intranet and develop templates for each of these types. For example, processes, tasks and department descriptions may each have a page template. This will help ensure consistency. |
49. Provide personalization functions |
Allow staff to customize the intranet to list information that is relevant to them. |
50. Provide targeted information |
Deliver content based on a person’s profile (e.g., role or department). This will make the intranet more relevant.
One Bonus Task
Task |
Description/Benefit |
51. Benchmark your intranet |
Register for the Worldwide Intranet Challenge and benchmark your intranet. This will enable you to identify specific aspects of your intranet that are performing well and those that need improvement. There is no cost to participate. |
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