From the 61 organisations who participated in the Worldwide Intranet Challenge (WIC) in 2013, the Milan Chamber of Commerce intranet received the most positive feedback from its end users, ranking it at #1 for the year (see The WIC's most valuable intranets of 2013 for a list of all highly ranked organisations).
So what is the secret? We asked Laura Vittani from the Chamber of Commerce for comments and screenshots:
Key facts
The intranet is built with Liferay technology
There are 1153 end users
The intranet was developed from May 2012 (beta) and finally launched in September 2012. An external makeover is planned for 2014.
The 3 most visited areas are:
Home page: news and information people need can be found here immediately.
Directory and profiles
The communications section and provisions (containing detailed information to colleagues)
In a year and a half over 700 items were created for the “fixed part” of the homepage and more than 300 other content items were generated by editors of the various internal sections.
The average duration of a visit is about 6 and a half minutes,
On average 40,000 pages per month are displayed with clear peaks in the most intense periods of work (up to 43,000 in May 2013-37000 in July 2013)
Below is the Milan Chamber of Commerce home page (the full background image can be changed according to the season, event or simply for aesthetic purposes.)
Each user can create their own widget page. Below is an example page showing possible widgets that staff can choose. From this page it’s possible to move, open or close widgets as required.
HR Page
This page is an example of complex internal section containing links to content and documents.
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